Message from Holy Mary of 10/02/2022
“Dear children, I am the Lady of the Rosary! The fight between good and evil will continue. Therefore, I desire that you wield the invincible weapon that I gave you, of the Holy Rosary, and with this weapon you fight and fight the good fight, until we completely defeat Satan and all the forces of evil.
Pray the meditated Rosary nº 80 for four days and give it to five of my children who do not know it.
Also, pray the Chaplet of Mercy meditated on by my little son Marcos, nº 7, for three days in a row and also give it to four of my children who don't know him.
My children need to meditate on the messages contained there and hasten their conversion. You need to understand the seriousness of the times in which you live and decide once and for all which side you want to be on, whether you want to be in my army or in the army of Satan, my enemy.

It is necessary that now you, my children, the children of light, fight with me like never before by praying and spreading my Meditated Rosary to the fullest, as well as all the prayers and all my Apparitions made known to you by my little son Marcos in the films that he did, so that my children may be snatched from the darkness of sin and ignorance, know the truth and be freed and saved by the truth, by the light, by the flame of love of my Immaculate Heart.
You also need to intensify your prayers, my children. Because now, really, the world will need more and more prayers, so that it is not completely destroyed by Satan's evil action, in nations and families.
With prayers, with the Rosary, you can reduce Satan's action until he becomes completely powerless. Therefore: Pray, pray, pray without ceasing!
I also hope that you meditate more on the meditations in the Book Imitation of Christ. Read it! Reflect on a section of it each day so that you understand the right path to follow.
Also meditate on the messages I gave in April 2018 , so that you can understand what my will and desire are for you.
Also meditate on the messages I gave you in the month of July this year, 2022 , keep these messages in your heart, live them with love.
No matter what happens, never stop praying the Rosary! Pray the Rosary of Tears every day and you will once again reap great victories for good, for yourselves, for faith, for my love.
I bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Fátima and from Jacareí.
Pray more to your Guardian Angels! You have prayed little to them. Pray the Hour of Angels 14 for three days in a row and give it to four of my children who don't have it.
Love the Angels more, turn to them with love!”