Analysis of Apparitions in Jacareí
Hello, dear readers! Today I want to share with you incredible news that made me very emotional.
You know that I am a great devotee of Our Lady and that I follow her apparitions at the Sanctuary of Apparitions of Jacareí, where she manifests herself to the visionary Marcos Tadeu.
Well, I received information from Renata Bompiani, an impressive photographic analysis that shows the form of Our Lady reflected in Marcos' eyes during the apparition on May 28, 2017.
Renata has a degree in photography and has over 30 years of experience in the photography industry in Italy and Spain, so she knows what she is talking about.
She sent me two photos: the first is the original photo, taken when Marcos was seeing Our Lady. The second is the same photo enlarged and with a red circle indicating the place where the reflection of the Mother of God can be seen. Check it out:
It is also a sign that she loves us very much and wants to take us to heaven, together with her. Therefore, we must listen carefully and obediently to his words, pray the rosary every day, do penance for our sins and for sinners, consecrate ourselves to his Immaculate Heart and make his apparitions known to all our friends and family. I was so touched by this analysis that I decided to write this post for